Kathleen McQueen realizó una publicación en su blog Shifting Connections, con el texto “Migratory Aesthetics: Interstices in the Utopian Real” que leyó con gran sutileza y  gracia poética en la presentación de Transborder. Fue un placer compartir con ella el panel.

Sobre “Sin título” (2010) comenta:

Alejandro Schianchi’s (Argentina) Untitled (2010) is created from abstract code and in so doing refers to code as language, an alternative language that in turn implies the structural basis of all languages. In the flow of unit to system, his squares, cubes, faceted complex structures and rhizomatic lines reveal the contingency of all systems, including life. This virtual reality is a reminder of the conceptual practices of Lebbeus Woods who believed that drawing = architecture and that architecture must reflect the failures of humanity as well as its potentialsKathleen McQueen
